Race Day Itinerary
(The parking and transportation suggestions are specific to the 2011 Rock-n-Roll Seattle Marathon)

How are you getting to the race?
NO Parking at Start Line |
- Driving: There is No parking at the Start Line.
- Drop-Off: Participants should be dropped of on Interurban Ave.near 56th Street. Check the Official Parking and Shuttle Information PDF for details on street/exit closures and more specific directions on being dropped off at the Start Line.
- Free Shuttle: This is the most recommended option. It's free and the shuttles operate between 4 AM and 6 AM. You must have a race number to ride the shuttle. There are No shuttles back to the Start Line after the race.
- Two shuttle options:
1. North Downtown - Loading zone is at the Westin on Westlake Ave. at Stewart St.
2. South Downtown - Loading zone is on the South side of Safeco Field, at the Safeco Garage on Occidental Ave. S at Edgar Martinez Drive (S. Atlantic St.) - Bicycle: There's no parking at the Start Line, so bicycle security is certain to be low, if any at all.
- Run/Walk: Eco-friendly, convenient, and a good warm-up.
- Finish Line Parking:
The earlier you arrive, the better. You can pre-purchase a parking space at Safeco Field Garage for $15 which will help further solidify an easy, hassle-free race morning: Parking Space at Safeco Field Garage
Where's your personal cheer section going to be standing?
Here's a map to plot the course: 2011 Rock-n-Roll Seattle Marathon & Half Course Map
Be sure to also coordinate a plan for your friends and family to get to the finish line to watch you finish. One thing to remember is that there will be street closures on the day of the race, so it's important to pick locations that allow easy access to the finish line. Race Day Road and Ramp Closures
Time for a Family Reunion:
After you've finished the race there will be thousands of other runners and locating your family may feel like finding Waldo in the Where's Waldo book series. Fortunately race directors long ago realized the need for a simple solution, so after the race there will be an area specifically organized to bring friends and family back together. The area will have clearly marked signs with the a different letter on each sign (A to Z). Choose a letter to reunite under. A simple way of choosing a letter: use the first letter of your last name.
- Official Parking and Shuttle Information PDF
- Rock-n-Roll Seattle Transportation Link
- Pre-Purchase a Parking Space at Safeco Field Garage
- 2011 Rock-n-Roll Seattle Marathon & Half Course Map
- Race Day Road and Ramp Closures
Yesterday's Post: 10 Days Until Rock-n-Roll Seattle
Tomorrow: 8 Days Until Rock-n-Roll Seattle ~ Nutrition on the Course
Tomorrow: 8 Days Until Rock-n-Roll Seattle ~ Nutrition on the Course
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