Friday, September 17, 2010

Where did summer go?

Here we are in the middle of September already. Where did time go? I had plans for training and racing triathlons this summer. Was it the weather that got in the way or was it myself that just didn't feel like training? Either way summer ever came to the Northwest this year.

Time demands from all directions have increased and something had to give. I chose my personal training time As I'm packing for the Grand Columbian 1/2 iron distance triathlon I'm thinking where did time go? I had some great swim practices, almost got arrested one time for swimming ( more later) My biking practice has consisted of riding with my son and helping runners around Lake Washington as they ran, mobile aid station. My running is, well, my running. I am blessed with the ability to know how to run.

Back to the attempted arrest. Apparently it is illegal to swim, at Gene Coulon Park, outside of the lifeguarded area. A member of the City of Renton Parks Dept. pointed this out to our small group of weekly swimmers, in wetsuits, one morning. We all stood there kinda like "really?" We still went for our swim of 1 mile. This got me to thinking. (This can be sometimes a little dangerous) My idea of a "swim park" came to life and I have a meeting with the City of Renton and the Parks Dept to create an open water swim park.

Hopefully, my inner strength of knowing I can do it, will get me to the finish. Not hitting my goal time will be OK for me. Having the ability to just go and finish is a win.

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